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Inmotion Hosting VS Bluehost

Bluehost Web Hosting comparison Vs Inmotion Hosting

seo-campaigns from $5 ChemiCloud - Excellent Web Hosting Services

Bluehost Compared Vs Inmotion Hosting

BlueHost OR Inmotion Hosting?

Who is the best for you? Let's find out!

BlueHost VsInmotion Hosting
4 Different PlansPLANS4 Different Web Hosting Plans
BasicPlus Choice PlusProPRICE
Prices are as on 30th May 2021
$3.95/month $ 5.95/month $ 6.95/month$13.95/month3 Year Signup Cost $ 2.49/mo $ 4.99/mo $ 4.99/mo $ 12.99/mo
$4.95/month $ 6.95/month $ 7.95/month$12.95/month2 Year Signup Cost $ 3.99/mo $ 5.99/mo $ 5.99/mo $ 14.99/mo
$5.95/month $ 7.95/month $ 8.95/month$16.95/month1 Year Signup Cost $4.99/mo $ 6.99/mo $ 6.99/mo $ 15.99/mo
1 Month Signup cost ----------- ---------- ---------- $ 19.99/mo
DISCOUNTS $2.49/month - Pricing exclusive to our site visitor's only. You get 38% OFF claim discount
50 GBUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedDISKSPACE10 GB 50 GB 100 GB 200 GB
1UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited WEBSITES ALLOWED12 50 100
1 FREE Domain with every planFREE DOMAIN-----1 FREE Domain with every plan
YES! FREE SSD's with all plans ( SSD stands for Solid State Drives, which are much Faster than their precedessors )FREE SSD's YES!! FREE SSD's with every plan.
Very GoodSITE LOADING SPEEDFaster, because of the SSD's
5UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedEMAIL ACCOUNTS110 50Unlimited
POP3/IMAP Email AccountsEMAILSPAM Safe Email with IMAP
UnlimitedEMAIL STORAGE - per inbox 100MB 500MB 10 GB 20 GB
5UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedPARKED DOMAINS1 10 100Unlimited
25UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedSUB DOMAINS5 20 200Unlimited
UnlimitedMySql Databases2 350 100
-POSTGRE SQL Databases2 350 100
30 DaysMONEYBACK GUARANTEEIndustry Leading 90 Days
cPanel Control Panel with every planCONTROL PANELcPanel Control Panel with all plans
-Site Backup - CodeGuard BasicFREE DATA BACKUPSYES! Included with every plan
One click wordpress install via softaculous and WP optimized hosting from the Wordpress VeteransWORDPRESSWORDPRESS,PRESTASHOP OR Joomala Pre Installed
Free website builderWEBSITE BUILDERYES! Free Boldgrid Website Builder
YES! Ecommerce readyE-COMMERCE READY---------Yes! E-Commerce Ready
$200 Worth - $100 Bing, $100 Google AdsADVERTISING CREDITS----$250 Worth - $100 Google , $75 Bing and $75 Yahoo
Yes. Over 300 One click install Applications FREEONE CLICK INSTALLOver 310 One click install Applications FREE
USASERVER LOCATIONUSA - You can choose east or west coast datacenters
FREE SSL's, 2 Spam Experts, Free dedicated IP (with Pro plan), SiteLock SecuritySECURITY Very much secured hosting
4.5/5 - 24x7 Phone, Chat and Email SupportCUSTOMER SUPPORT 4.8/5 - Professional Class customer support via mail, chat or phone
Modern Flat design of site and cPanelSITE NAVIGATION Good Site Navigation
4.6/5 Very Good Value For moneyVALUE FOR MONEY 4.6/5 Very Good value for money
4.6 / 5 Very much reliable web hosting serviceRELIABILITY 4.5/5 pretty much reliable hosting!
4.7/ 5 Good CUSTOMER SERVICE 4.6/5 Good
4.7 / 5 EDITOR'S Rating 4.6/5
Get Started with BlueHost NowVISIT HOSTVisit Inmotion Hosting
Bluehost Vs Inmotion hosting comparison updated on 6th September 2022

ChemiCloud - Excellent Web Hosting Services


Verdict = Bluehost with it's huge reputation in the hosting industry coupled with it's very affordable pricing looks to be a very good choice.

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BlueHost Or Inmotion Hosting doesn't suit your needs ?
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